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Aircrafts are vehicles that are able of atmospheric flight. There are two categories for aircrafts: those that are heavier than air and lighter than air. Those aircrafts which is heavier than air are also known as aerodynes. Heavier than air aircrafts includes autogyros, gyrodynes, helicopters, powered lifts, and fixed wing aircraft. While the lighter than air or also known as aerostat. Lighter than air crafts includes balloons and airships.

The Fixed-wing aircraft or the Aeroplane or much known as Airplane is heavier than air type of crafts. Their wings movement in relation with the aircraft is not used to generate lift. The aircraft’s major parts are its fuselage; pair of long, narrow, almost horizontal wings which got an airfoil cross-section shape; the vertical stabilizer; the pair of small horizontal wings; aircraft engines; and its landing gear. There are a lot of standardized controls which allow the pilots to manage the aircraft in the air. The controls that are usually found in fixed-wing aircrafts are the control stick, control the rotation of the aircraft about its pitch and roll axes; rudder pedals, are into its yaw axis; throttle, used to adjust the thrust produced by its engines; and the brakes, which is used to slow and stop the aircraft.

The Helicopters, a type of “heavier than air” craft that are lifted and can sustained in the air horizontally by rotating its wings or its blades turning on vertical axes through power supplied by its engine. The helicopters are used for search and rescue, Aerial still photography, logging, transport, and civilian touring or personal pleasure.


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